Absolutely Blue ROYAL STERLING
Russian Blue Cats

Our Family
We are located in Greater Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Please let us know if you have questions and have Majestic Purrfect Day!
What New Families say about our Royal kittens :))
P.L. , Montreal Quebec
Hey!! Simply wanted to say that you changed my life for the better. Never felt this happy and optimistic. Can’t express enough my gratitude. Thank you!! ♥️
S.P, Ottawa, ON
Good morning. Already a week has gone by, time flies with our Floyd in the house. He is totally in charge of the whole household. He is adored by all even our son that was a little on the fence about having a cat. He is quite energetic but so loving and cuddly. He has found HIS spot on the sofa. He doesn’t talk but he is sure able to communicate with humans. He has changed our lives for the best! FYI - he saw his vet and, as you know, he was giving a clear bill of health. I want to thank you for giving your time to breed such wonderful cats, you have given our family a precious treasure that gives us much happiness.
JC, Toronto, ON
I am glad we found him. I didn't touch my computer or TV for 3 days now haha.All kitty time.if anyone wants a Russian blue I will definitely recommend you to them
W,H. New York
I am so in love with Gemma and Gewel. Thanks again so much for picking me to be their Mama. ❤️
J.V Aurora, ON
I was going to email you guys today! I tagged you in a post on instagram not sure if it worked?
Bravo is doing amazing he is such an incredible little guy, we love him so much and are so thankful we met you both