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Martyn The Great

In Honor of Martyn The Cat

Russian Blue tradition -


We are ethical, home based, cage-free cattery dedicated to breed high level Russian Blue Cats. Registered with International Cat Association (TICA) and Canadian Cat Association (CCA-AFC).

We constantly participate in Cat Shows and all our breeding cats have titles. Our cats are genetically tested and don't carry any feline diseases. Our mission is to insure that our Graduates are of exceptional health, top Russian Blue breed quality, raised in happiness and have amazing temperament. 

We do not overbreed! Our Queens bring maximum 3 litters in 2 years, and that is actual reason for longer waitlist.

Originally our cattery was created in honour and in memory of our beloved Martyn The Cat who crossed the rainbow bridge after 16 happy years with us. He was a unique cat having RB related Nebelung blood, with extraordinary influence on our lives. Martyn had fantastic personality, extremely handsome, and we felt sorry that he was not able to reproduce. After appropriate Felinology education we established out cattery to breed, shand promote top-tier, almost-hypoallergenic cats, with amazing character and intelligence.

In other words, to make this world better...

Russian Blue tradition -

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AbsolutelyBlue - Royal Sterling Russian Blue Cattery 2021-2024

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